Top Testing Companies: Which Problem Reports are Disapproved by Project Manager
Is your product’s quality average, not-so-good or even worst?? Top testing companies know how to change the situation for the better and you are the most likely to be nicely surprised with the results obtained.
Project manager is responsible for the quality of the product and its timely development & release. But it often happens that he is not satisfied with the performance of certain employees. For example, the head would never become enthusiastic over the following:
Database abounds with duplicate problem reports that are not worth considering. It is a serious problem especially when the development is coming to its end. This is usually done to increase performance indicators of some employees and attempt to demonstrate that the program still has lots of errors, though the opposite is true. At that, it is no good to mention about a big number of reports on shortcomings of the earlier project, despite the fact that they really were, since this discovery may produce frustrating impression. However, a good leader approves such reports, even at the end of development, when no change can be made to the user interface and the functional structure of the program, because sooner or later the next release of the product will be published, which can be updated or modified based on the proposals initiated during its testing. But you should not overuse such proposals; they must correspond to the general concept of a software product.
List of software testing companies is prepared under guidance of grateful clients who have used qa & testing services of the people included in it. You may be the next to become happy person whose testing needs will be fully met.
The final reports with a list of uncorrected errors always contain errors that have already been corrected, but not yet tested, or errors that cannot be reproduced at all. The result is a distorted picture of the work progress – the performance of programmers may seem to be lower than it actually is, and the state of the program – the worst.
The final reports misinterpret the current data.
For example, if by the end of development, for a given period, 40 bugs are fixed and 40 new ones are found, 35 of which are minor design flaws, but the final report states that the majority of fixes cause new errors to occur, it is not true. In fact, errors are corrected effectively and work has successfully progressed. It is all just incorrectness of the report – quite a typical phenomenon in situations where the number of detected errors is approximately equal to or even exceeds the number of patches.
Mobile testing companies carefully examine mobile apps in order to make sure that these deliver desirable user experience.