Quality Assurance Companies: Searching for Equivalence Classes
Quality assurance companies offer their clients robust quality solutions that are customized to the precise and unique needs of every challenge they face.
Do not forget about the classes, covering knowingly incorrect or invalid input data
It often happens that invalid or incorrect input data introduce a variety of errors in the program. Only very few programmers carefully think through how their programs will react to such data and what should be done to debug their behaviors..Therefore, the more wrong types of input you will singularize, the more errors you will find. For example, if the program should take the numbers from 1 to 99, there are at least four classes of equivalent tests.
- Assume input numbers cover 1 to 99.
- Any number less than 1 is too small. This range includes ZERO and all the negative numbers.
- Any number greater than 99 is too big.
- If you enter non-numeric data, it is not accepted. (Is this true for all that is not a number?)
Organize generated list of classes in the form of a table or by the plan
Usually, it turns out that there are only a few equivalence classes, so it is hardly possible to do without a convenient and well-thought-out way to organize the information collected. As a rule, the two approaches are used in this situation. Typically, all of the information is placed in a large table. Sometimes it can be represented as a plan or mere outline. Please note, that in any case, the list includes tests not only for valid, but also invalid or unexpected input.
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Both ways of organizing the information – the table and the plan are rather convenient to use. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.
Tabular data type is more understandable, easier to read, and more information can be embraced by the eye. This format allows you to clearly observe difference between valid and invalid range of input. Experts believe that when the information is presented in this form, it is easier to analyze, to find out whether all invalid input values are covered by listed equivalence classes.
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