Best Software Testing Companies Advise on Automated Printer Performance Testing
Things to consider when automating Printer Testing:
- Automation takes time. Do not get involved in technology. If the automation requires too much time, it is better to perform the tests manually.
- The output should be analyzable. Do not waste tons of paper, putting in your printer – you will be unable to read all of the information that will be printed on it. Tests must be simple, short and produce transparent results. Otherwise, the staff, especially the inexperienced one, will not be able to execute them appropriately and detect errors.
By the way, best software testing companies are good at conducting both automated and manual testing – the choice depends only on you – if you want to get the results faster – the automation should be preferred but if – slower – then you need to decide in favor of manual testing …
It is especially important to design the tests so that their correct results clearly differ from the errors. If the print defect is almost invisible, then no matter how diligent tester is, there is a little chance that he will find the error.
- Track bugs related to printing. Besides the errors present in the output documents, printing may involve other problems. They may be associated with a parallel execution of the other functions of the program while printing, the allocation of the output data buffer and incorrect writing of the data in the buffer, performance of the overlay. The possible destruction of data or the code will be observed later, so you need to closely monitor not only what is happening on the screen when printing, but also effects of such work, at the same time continuing executing the program for some time.
Quality assurance company is usually tasked with verifying whether the product under development meets its requirements specification.
- Consider flexibility in operations. It is not necessary to repeat over and over again the same tests for the same printer. Once the programmer fixes the error, and you will see that it really no longer exists, it does not make any sense to repeat the old tests. To find new bugs it is required to develop new test cases. You are recommended to work with the program, performing useful and sometimes quite atypical operations within it, experiment with it. Set a specific task and try to perform it with the program being tested. You will be surprised how many errors can be found using this test method. Obviously, it is not an alternative approach to the formal implementation of the planned tests but it successfully supports their execution.
Top testing companies are able to cope with any testing task they face. They will find as many defects as possible in your software products to ensure their market success.