How Should Good Problem Report Look Like According to Software Testing Service Providers
A good problem report, as well as any, original document must have a unique number. In a computerized database, this number must be a key field in the report table, in other words, represent a unique report identifier in the system. In this case, the numbers must be assigned automatically.
Each report should describe only one problem. Even if the five problems seem to be very closely related, you should still make five different problem reports – one report per problem. Similarly, the five proposals on the improvement of one part of the program should be described in five separate reports. If these are related reports you should include cross-references in them, but never merge the reports into a one single document. Software testing service providers always write as many problem reports as necessary therefore the problems identified are effectively and quickly solved.
If one report includes descriptions of several related errors, you can almost be sure that the programmer will not fix all of them. He will mark the report as AMENDED, and you will have to draw up a new report on those errors he had simply forgotten, or just overlooked. Moreover, the remaining errors often go unnoticed at all, and are never corrected, as a rule. Keep in mind that the errors that seem to be related, in fact, may have very different causes, and in this case, a unified report on them will all the more inappropriate.
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Writing an error report you should take into account the mindset of the programmer reading its content. A report on several related errors appears as a large and complex task, and it is likely that the programmer will postpone its consideration, choosing to examine first those reports that look simpler.
The clearer report, the greater the likelihood that the problem described in it will be fixed. The problem should be described very simply and clearly, and the way to replay event – as briefly as possible, without further details. To make such a description, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the problem.
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