5 Popular Test Coverage Measurement Techniques Used By Quality Assurance Company
As usual, quality assurance company provides a wide range of outsourced qa and testing services. Highly experienced professionals put mobile, desktop and web applications on real platforms and devices to see how they work in real-world environment.
1.Test coverage by feature. Well, a software program feature means the changes or modifications made to the system with intent to add new functionality or update the old functionality. According to the specification, the system has the following n features as well as start-up and shut-down. We need to create a set of tests for verifying the feature. General used and essential new features need to be exhaustively tested in every build of such release.
- Test coverage by GUI icon. There are many GUI elements like buttons, pull-downs, scroll bars, screens, menus, etc. that ought to be covered with tests. GUI testing is done to verify whether app’s user interface functions correctly or not. This process involves execution of a test set and comparison of actual results with expected outcomes.
- Test coverage by instrumentation. As a rule, static code instrumentation has been used to build code coverage measurement tools. When compiling or linking a software app, instrumentation code is inserted into the target program, namely into a binary executable file with the help of these tools. The tool output should be able to record how much coverage in code parts the system had.
- Test coverage by structure. Structural testing is a white box test design technique since in this type of testing we want to know about internal workings of the system / app. Software testers must have a good grasp of the software’s structure or internal implementations. These specialists are required to have the knowledge of how the software works or how it is implemented. This testing sets up traceability between code structure and the test cases. Click here to see software testing company list with recognized qa service providers so that to find a dream expert of yours! Now it becomes much easier and cheaper to ensure the best quality of your application if you resort to services of professionals included on the list!
- Test coverage by scenario. Traditionally, users pursue a number of goals. To achieve these objectives they have to use parts of (number of) features. Due to this, they make features slightly interact and it is impossible to simulate that interaction through another coverage approach. It is allowed to use user action logs ( in case of necessity) so that to validate your submitted scenarios, and also user profiles to determine scenario sets. Use cases basically form the baseline of this approach.
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