The Use of E-mail or Other E-App to Speed Up Testing
To ensure that rapid testing will take place throughout the lifecycle of a software development project, a variety of ways to increase its efficiency must be intensively used. There are several technologies that apply not only to the test process, but also to other processes within the development cycle. It is assumed that the software development team creates the source code using computers that are interconnected by local area networks (LANs). By using the local network servers or storage-area network (SAN) architecture, any project participant should be able to access shared project data stores. In such networks, directory structures are maintained so that to properly organize development and test data. In this case, they are scheduled to be regularly backed up in accordance with the established schedule. As an alternative to LAN / SAN technology, project data warehouse management can also be performed using some electronic application that operates on the project Web site within the corporate network of the organization. This application should take care of retaining the development documentation in the configuration management system that implements strict version control and systematically runs backups in accordance with the schedule.
Continuous integration services are necessary to merge all working copies of development team into a central repository several times a day to be able to publish software app at any moment. Also they help to uncover bugs by running automated tests.
Using the built-in calendar and sending emails over the organization’s LAN, project personnel can reserve conference rooms and invite participants to conduct each test. During the development of the project, which involves the methods of rapid testing, this increase in efficiency leads to a reduction in the time spent by the test manager reserving the conference room and inviting all testers to take part in the process at the appointed time not associated with any overlays. The manager is responsible for ensuring that this condition is being met, the person who, when choosing the appropriate time and place of the meeting, can view the schedules of all candidates for the position of a tester. The corporate infrastructure that forms the corporate network of the organization also provides access to the test documentation package, which can be designed as a set of hyperlinks in email messages to read-only versions of forms and documents in shared data stores.