Software Testing Company: What Do Project Managers Expect from Their Employees
The company management often requires to be provided with visual information on the executed work to assess the performance of a particular employee, especially if they want to fire him or bear pressure on him. And, of course, the database is primarily considered to be a source of such information. After all, it contains a lot of detailed information about each tester, programmer, the project manager, etc. The database reflects almost every step or action they take. You can find out the average number of errors detected by a certain tester and compare it with that of other employees.
You can compare the number of errors made by different programmers. You can compare the number of errors detected in the different projects, and use them to compare the performance of their leaders. In addition, you can compare the number of reports deferred and rejected by the executives. Software testing company always desires to verify software applications being developed as they may contain bugs which adversely affect the product quality.
It is necessary to protest in the strongest terms against all such attempts to evaluate the performance of employees based on the statistical data, whoever has requested the relevant data. This can be done by either the leaders or the employees themselves, but in any case, no matter how persistent the requirements are, no matter how much pressure you receive from the top managers, how much anxiety is caused by an employee who has become the focus of attention – you should not give up. The issue tracking system is designed to track problems associated with the software under test, rather than monitor employee performance, which level cannot be impartially and quite objectively reflected using data stored in this tool. If it is used to analyze the performance of the staff, it is possible to completely undermine their confidence in the system…
List of software testing companies is worth examining because it has good experts to involve in your testing work. Choose from the best providers of qa services.
As a result, the resistance of staff will cause the system to develop glitches preventing it from functioning properly, and problems will not be duly tracked. Also, instead of being useful and effective tool to organize the work, it will start to slow it down and it will be nothing but the tool to settle the disputes.
It is noteworthy, that performance problems are easy to eliminate and prevent if dealing with load testing companies. These will subject the products to certain workload to measure its response and optimize performance.