QA Outsourcing As A Way to Check Productivity of Software Testers
Experience of recognized qa experts shows that when the assessment of software testers’ productivity is based on simple data regarding the number of reports created by them it is impossible to understand the results of their efforts. Therefore, one should attentively and thoroughly study the reports themselves. For example, some testers examine the program more closely than other employees that work in the same department, spend more time attempting to reproduce the subtle software errors or work with more complex parts of the program. It is no wonder that they detect fewer errors than their colleagues, but that part of the program they worked with, appears to be much more reliable than that dealt with by the other staff members.
Such employees are naturally called the senior testers and their work certainly cannot be considered less productive. QA outsourcing service guarantees independence and impartiality of any quality assurance analysis. It is used to identify all kinds of problems arising during the development as well as to measure & monitor quality of work activities done by testing or qa specialists.
According to the same experts, it is no good referring to the number of errors detected by a tester, either in private conversation or public meetings. Some people (software testers) are often very sensitive about such statements; they have a feeling that the head deliberately closely monitors their performance, although in fact this may be far from being the case. It is especially unacceptable to explicitly interpret such data as the performance indicators – it will certainly be perceived as an unfair assessment of the work and will cause a storm of emotions.
After such statements made by the leadership the ordinary employees will immediately begin to adjust their actions in various ways, trying to develop abilities needed to produce the desired performance. After all, they will now believe that the management monitors their performance, assessing it by the number of reports submitted.
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And to adjust the figures, the staff will have to work less conscientiously: only make reports on the errors that are easily identified, and not to spend much time on a thorough study of the program’s area under test. Some of the testers go even further by entering reports on quite insignificant failures of the program in the database, and reports containing slightly different descriptions of the same problems.
Mobile testing companies will do their best to improve quality characteristics of mobile apps to ensure their smooth performance.