Peculiarities of Software Testing in the Field of Air Travel
The development of products for airlines requires detailed work at all stages, to avoid the appearance of any bugs that can cause serious consequences: from financial losses to a damaged reputation.
An important stage in the development of software for airlines is the quality work of the QA team, which understands the system, as well as the connection of all links in the chain.
Aspects of Testing Such Software
Changing links in adjacent systems
Priority of the place of registration. Checking on domestic and international flights. According to the rules of airlines, people with disabilities should not sit next to animals. This example demonstrates all the aspects of testing, which are worth paying attention to.
Testing with the users’ role
- Representative of the airline;
- Agent;
- Manager;
- Employer.
Testing this aspect allows you to understand the logic of user behavior with a particular role as well as the opportunity to test the response to the system logic in some situations.
Testing the logic of manual and automatic seating
This aspect includes testing in the test environment and on the working product.
Considering passengers’ age, people with disabilities, etc.
This stage includes a lot of rules, and changes that need to be followed by all the QA consultants during the product testing.
Automatic seating
- Children seat with their parents;
- The family should seat together (not at different ends of the aircraft);
- Animals shouldn’t be near the children and disabled persons;
- Passengers with infants shouldn’t seat together.
This service does not always consider the needs of passengers. The logic of its behavior needs to be constantly refined considering the wishes of users.
Testing of airline rules:
- A clear description of all rules;
- Comments or explanations of the rules in the application and on the website;
- The need to update the rules on the sites;
- Updating the rules in mobile apps.
A huge number of rules are constantly being improved and new ones are added, which requires additional testing to ensure that the product performs well. This contributes to avoiding conflict situations, for example, with a set limit of animals on board, priority is given to a guide dog.
Both passengers and airlines need to comply with the rules to avoid conflict situations.
In the sphere of software development, the activity of the quality assurance company is quite important. Since it supposes quality testing of the product on all the development levels and in close cooperation with the development team. The QA team should provide detailed testing of every stage to avoid conflict situations in airports and on the plane. Thereby they ensure the smooth and quality operation of the website.