Offshore Software QA: Module Testing (Unit Test)
Unit testing is a testing of the program at the level of individual modules, functions or classes. The purpose of unit testing is to identify module errors occurring in the implementation of the algorithms, as well as determine the degree of preparedness for the transition of the system to the next level of development and testing. Unit testing is carried out on a “white box” that is based on knowledge of the internal structure of the program, and often involves certain methods of code coverage analysis.
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Unit testing usually involves the creation of a specific environment around each module, including stubs for all of the interfaces of the module being tested. Some of them can be used for entry of input values, the others for analysis of the results, the presence of still others may be dictated by the requirements imposed by the compiler and assembler.
At the unit test level it is easiest to detect defects associated with algorithmic errors and errors occurring while coding algorithms, such as handling of the conditions and cycles counters, as well as the use of local variables and resources. The errors related to the incorrect interpretation of data, incorrect implementation of interfaces, compatibility, performance, etc. are usually skipped at the level of unit testing and are identified in the later stages of testing.
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It is the effectiveness of the detection of certain types of defects that must define a strategy for unit testing, i.e. highlight the key points for determining the set of input values. The organization engaged in software development, as a rule, has a historical database (Repository) of pilot projects, that stores specific information on the development of the previous projects: about the versions and builds recorded in the product development process, the decisions made, miscalculations, mistakes, successes, etc. After analyzing the characteristics of previous projects such as those which were developed by the organization, you can prevent old errors in new development, for example, by determining the types of defects which are best detected at different stages of testing.
Outsourcing testing to third party partners you manage to kill two birds with a one stone: ensure superior quality and reduce development costs.