Category : | Acceptance Testing Services, Application Testing Services, Beta Testing Services, eCommerce Testing Services, Functional Testing Services, Mobile Testing Services, On Demand Software Testing Services, QA Consulting Services, User Experience Testing Services, Web Testing Services |
Publish date : | November 22, 2017 |
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The applications economy has changed the way users consume content, conduct commerce and connect with companies – and each other. And thanks to app stores and social media, those consumers now have a large and vocal voice in helping decide which apps and brands win, and which ones fail. Digital experiences are the new frontier – where competition happens, and the front door to your brand & biz.
Askfortest is where technical leaders, brand owners and business execs turn to maximize their application quality. We help brands understand how their apps are truly performing for users and empower them on how to increase app quality and user satisfaction. We partner with our customers to help them deliver apps that win: They win more user loyalty. More 5-star ratings. And more envy from the competition.