If Exhaustive Testing Is Impossible How One Can Make The Most of The Process?
Since it is absolutely impossible to test everything, the importance of determining what to test is beyond doubt. If you run excessive number of tests, namely, if test coverage is redundant, then the debugging of a software product will take a considerable time, which will threaten the deadline of a project. If testing proves to be insufficient (more precisely, the test coverage will be insufficient), the risk of missing a defect will increase, which will be too expensive to repair, especially after the software has been developed and put into operation. There must be the right balance between these two extremes, which can be found using relevant testing experience and a metric of measuring the success of testing.
Here are a few suggestions for developing a test strategy that can help you get the best test coverage.
First of all, you should test the highest priority requirements. Suppose that you have a requirements definition document that prioritizes the requirements. Choose those that are of the greatest importance to the customer, or which will cause the customer the greatest trouble in the event of a software crash. If you plan to test all the requirements and have the required resources, you will have to carefully check whether all these requirements are fulfilled or not. If you lack the resources, then prior to sending the product to the customer it is required to thoroughly test the highest priority requirements. Perhaps, it is necessary to obtain the customer’s consent that the requirements, which have been partially checked or not checked at all, will not be supported until the next version of the product. Website testing service appears to be irreplaceable when you want to know how good your website is and improve its functionality, if necessary.
Be sure to test new functionality and code that has been changed to debug or improve old functionality. The heuristic rule says: if the program code has been patched, it must be tested. Everything is new in the original release of the software product. However, if the release is the next update or operational version, special attention should be given to the new code. Keep in mind that any changes made to a program code can destroy even those parts of the program that are not directly affected by the changes. In this case, it is best to perform regression tests as often as possible for the entire functionality of the program, whatever the changes in the code.