Fundamental Testing Principles of Software Testing Company
Let us get familiar with fundamental principles of Software Testing – the ones that are followed by any respected software testing company.
These principles are worth considering because they are intuitively clear and relatively simple, but at the same time, in most cases, due regard is not paid to them. So it is time to memorize the following:
- Description of the expected values for each output data or the results must be necessarily included in a test suite. This obvious principle is often violated and this is one of the most common mistakes. Erroneous but plausible results can be considered valid if the test results were not predetermined. Here we face the psychological phenomenon: we see what we want to see. In other words, despite the fact that testing is defined as a destructive process, specialists are still urged on by some subconscious desire to obtain a correct result. One of the methods to deal with situation is to conduct a detailed analysis of output variables in advance, even in the test development phase.
Looking for an interesting job? Cannot find employment because you have not a good education? Beta testing companies invite you and other people, who are eager to work and earn money, to test upcoming computer products! You will be asked to try out new software apps that are ready to release! Do not worry, be happy!!
- The program should never be tested by its developer. Many persons, who had to make home repairs, know that the process of stripping off old wallpaper (destructive process) is not easy at all, moreover, it is simply intolerable, if someone else, not you yourself, initially put up wallpaper in rooms of your home. The same goes for most programmers who simply cannot effectively test their programs because they find it difficult to show and especially admit their own mistakes.
- It is necessary to thoroughly study the results of each test. It seems certain that most of all the defects detected could have been finally identified during the very first test procedures, but they were missed because there was no thorough analysis of the results of the first test run.
- Tests for the invalid and unintended input data should be developed as carefully as those for valid and intended input data. It is likely that the tests with false and incorrect inputs will be capable of detecting more defects than the tests with correct input data.
Mobile app testing companies work day and night with little sleep so that you can see your app (s) working smoothly across all mobile devices and cells.