Consequences of Impact on Productivity of Software Testing Service Providers
Integrating certain principles into a testing team efforts and announcing requirements and expectations towards duties and responsibilities of software testing service providers, you need to consider a number of their psychological characteristics which affect their work. Cem Kaner, a professor of Software engineering at Florida Institute of Technology, described these features based on the research mentioned in the Signal Detection Theory (classical book “Green & Sweets”, 1966). He came to the following conclusions:
- When dealing with an experienced and qualified tester, you should not try to look for ways to better teach him how to distinguish whether two similar situations were caused by the same error or by different errors of the program. If there are quite different situations then he will have to write two reports on each of them. But sometimes he is mistaken when thinking that he identified two program errors, while, in fact, there was only one error. In a similar case, only one report will be drawn up, but again, he may be mistaken when regarding two different errors as a one error. If he tries to identify the more errors under your guidance, then it is inevitable that he will begin to write duplicate reports, and if he tries to reduce a number of duplicate reports, it may result in increased number of overlooked errors. The staff of quality assurance company are able find software errors without being confused about their true quantity.
- One may affect productivity of a testing specialist but it is necessary to realize the consequences of this impact. If you ask him to reduce a number of duplicate reports, he will do it. But at the same time a larger number of similar, but, actually, different bugs will remain undocumented. Only some project managers can clearly understand that such sorrowful consequences are rather inevitable.
- It may be difficult to discern the impact on productivity of the tester, but it will involve the same consequences. If you manage to convince him that similar situations most likely arise due to one and the same error produced by a particular program, he will reduce a number of duplicate records and, at that, more similar, but, in fact, different bugs will remain undocumented.
- Another example of implicit impact on productivity of a software tester may be an understanding of various consequences of the errors. If the project manager does not impose special claims for missed bugs, but gets very angry when one and the same problem is described in two reports, most testers are less likely to write duplicate reports (or miss a larger number of similar, but different errors).
Feel like improving quality of your app? Do you think it is easier said than done?? Nope! Performance testing companies would be happy to help you ensure flawless work of your software if you give them such a chance! The most complicated IT program is doomed for success if it gets into the hands of true professionals!! Contact them before digesting the above information about the tester’s productivity…