Best Software Testing Companies: Functional, Non-Functional and Structure-Based Testing
Best software testing companies run all possible tests at a high professional level therefore they have clients all over the world. This article contains some information about functional, non-functional and structure-based types of testing that play a significant role in the software development life cycle.
Functional testing focuses on exploring external workings of software (black box test design technique). One of the functional testing types is security testing which is done to check the functionality of a software app or a system (for example, Windows brandmauer which is responsible for network security) which aims to reveal security vulnerabilities such as viruses coming from the outside into the software. The other type of functional testing is an interoperability testing which helps to understand if a given software product can inter-operate with other software component (s) or systems.
Non-functional testing includes load testing, recovery testing, performance testing, usability testing, stress-testing, portability testing and reliability testing but this list is incomplete! This process lets you know how the system works. This testing can be performed at each level of testing. Non-functional testing is run to assess quantifiable features or characteristics of a system or software program, and among these is such system parameter as response time determined during performance testing. These tests may refer to the quality models such as “Software development – Software quality”. Non-functional testing has to do with external workings of a given software program that is why it can be called a black-box testing technique.
Be advised that independent software testing companies are able to successfully execute any test no matter how complicated it is. Third-party service providers appear to be less arrogant and expensive than their in-house colleagues; moreover, as practice shows they are extremely experienced and qualified specialists that can fulfill all expectations of their customers on timely basis.
Structure-based testing or a white box test design technique can be done at all test levels. It is more preferable to use this testing after using specification-based test design techniques in order to measure the degree to which the program or the code is tested by resorting to coverage measurement instruments.
Mobile testing companies help to test performance and functional requirements and deploy software product in dynamic, complex mobile environments.