Best Software Testing Companies Analyze Program Output
Even employees of best software testing companies encounter a number of difficulties when they try to correctly compare output data, especially while comparing screenshots. For example, how can you teach comparison program to ignore differing dates? How to deal with the changing window titles? What if output data are displayed with varying degrees of accuracy, in a different order or in different locations of the screen? In addition, the slightest change in the program can be fatal for a huge number of test files.
Some programs for capturing images are able to compare only a few fragments of the screen containing the most important data for testing, and ignore everything else. Another method is that the program displays two screenshots, old and new ones, and paints identical parts in white, leaving only differing fragments unpainted for visual comparison.
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There is software for capturing and comparing input /output values, which may produce quite solid impression. A number of test team leaders were heard to say that they would trust these programs for long time and especially actively use them when performing acceptance testing. However, the testers who have not used such tools yet abstain from approving or criticizing them. Here is one of the issues that needs to be considered when planning test automation procedures into the test process.
Time costs. Development of automated tests takes too long. As stated in the Microsoft Test User’s Guide (Microsoft, 1992, c. 15), test automation requires very careful planning and organization and often considerable time and effort.
Suppose that the design, development and documentation of automated tests take ten times longer than their creation and execution in a manual way. This means that the time required for test automation is much reduced only after the tenth or eleventh test run. All subsequent test runs are worth almost nothing at all, unless the test really needs to be modified. It turns out that the tests that are executed only a few times, are not worth automating.
You might not know about the reasonability of subjecting software programs to certain workload. Load testing companies use this method to check the app’s behavior and optimize its performance so that it can work without crashing.