Aspects of Application That Need to Be Considered by Mobile Testing Companies
When verifying quality of mobile applications mobile testing companies do pay attention to the following program aspects:
The screen size and touch-interface:
All the elements must have such a size so that to be easily found and be clickable, for the user to be able to tap on them without problems.
The screen must not go blank or black when a mobile application is run on a smartphone – the users must not experience any difficulties using a program installed on their mobile device. In other words, they need not face such situations when app store shows a blank white screen and the start screen does not show any apps / titles or white screen keeps loading forever.
It is necessary to click a button as many times as possible without stoppage at that this procedure may cause the application to crash. It is also reasonable to check multitouch to make sure it is really working, by clicking a several buttons simultaneously.
It is necessary to check if «native» gestures (pinch-to-zoom, doubletap-to-zoom) are available or not; if, for example, zoom effect can be applied to a feature of the application, then this gesture must be used by default. And if there is no need to zoom in an image, then you will be unable to get double tap feature to work on image zooming.
Services of mobile app testing companies are worth using because they can ensure flawless performance of mobile applications across different mobile platforms.
Mobile device resources:
Memory leakage. Memory leaks may occur on web pages with lots of information (for example, long lists), during long-running workflow processes (when the user logs off from the application for long time), if there are incorrect image cache settings.
Handling out of-memory situations so that to free memory for the operating system to function properly when the application is active or running in the background.
There is not enough space to install and run mobile application.
Not all applications are compatible with all mobile devices therefore before installing an application it is necessary to check if all its required features are present on the device (for instance, 3G, SD-card and so on).
To overcome any problems with developed software products it makes sense to outsource qa to Ukrainian service providers, for example. You will be offered to cost-effectively test your software throughout its entire lifecycle in order to ensure its success in the market.