Are There Any Special Requirements for Junior Software Testing Service Providers?
There is an opinion, that junior software testing service providers feel uncomfortable working in Software Company because employers show bias against them. In fact, it is not absolutely true because these specialists can have excellent skills and long years’ experience in testing field and can work as good as senior testers. So, hiring junior testers, employers must evaluate their experience, abilities and knowledge, so to say, to be flexible in interviewing them and treat them fairly after they get the job.
A thing can only seem to be complicated but, in fact, it does not mean that it cannot be accomplished by anyone.
A certain person, who has been a tester for long time, surfed on Internet trying to find any job offers for junior testers and he was left disappointed with the results because most of us look for perfection only. Moreover, employers and upper managers attach high requirements to this position and are especially meticulous about selecting new candidates.
Those who work for beta testing companies are really lucky people because they get the chance to try a final version of the software before its commercial release! They receive the copies of software programs, called beta versions, test them and give their feedback on them for the developers to make the final changes to the products.
Do you know that the reason for shortage of desirable number of apps and regular presence of eternally open testing job listings lies in that there are the enormous expectations from junior testers, but judge for yourself by asking yourself the following question: is it possible to find the right candidate who will be really technology native and super qualified?? Of course, not. It is only a dream that will not come true in the nearest future.
There are often mile-long requirements in job postings; also job ads can contain too many technical expectations that look rather repellent than appealing. Yes, people look to find valuable jobs as well as challenging environments; however, least of all they want to face interview experiences during which they will be belittled and humiliated. They do not desire to know and hear that they are underskilled; especially while they interview themselves against a job listing.
By the way, mobile testing companies recruit both senior and junior testers setting out exact job requirements, namely to correctly test mobile apps so that to find out if they work flawlessly on various mobile platforms.